• Three professionals, two women and one man, are engaged in a business meeting around a table, with one woman presenting on a laptop.

    Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition, fees, and estimated cost of attendance

Full-Time 33 credits
Number of Trimesters
Tuition *
Matriculation Fee
Total Tuition and fees
Tuition rate per credit

* Students who complete 36 credits will be charged an additional three credits. Tuition is subject to change on an annual basis.

A woman sits on a bench outside a modern building, working on her laptop.

Indirect Costs for academic year (three trimesters)

Indirect costs are estimated expenses not charged by the college, but which a student can expect to incur during their studies at IENYC. These costs are not fixed and may vary depending on your individual circumstances and living arrangements.

  • Room & Board: $23,000
  • Books & Supplies: $1,500
  • Transportation: $2,000
  • Miscellaneous Personal Expenses: $2,500
  • Total Indirect Costs: $29,000
A person working on a laptop with notebooks and a smartphone on the table

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Your estimated cost of attendance for the academic year (three trimesters) at IENYC is the combined total of tuition and fees charged by the college, plus estimated indirect costs. The estimated cost of attendance is used to determine first year financial costs for international students.

Top view of three individuals working around a table with laptops, notebooks, and coffee cups.


At IENYC, we believe that a college education is an investment for a brighter future. Our institutional commitment to furthering our mission and our equally strong desire to build a diverse academic community of passionate students means that IENYC makes every reasonable attempt to support qualified students.

Most students utilize different combinations of personal savings, scholarships, loans, outside grants, sponsors and employer tuition benefits to cover the cost of attendance. The Admissions Team is on hand to help each and every student explore their financial aid and scholarship options for their master’s degree.

Contact IENYC with Financial Aid or Scholarship Questions!

IENYC strives to provide affordable master’s degrees centered on sustainable business practices that drive positive change.

  • Common Good Merit Scholarships

    To inquire about the Common Good Merit Scholarships, please reach out to the IENYC Admissions Team at: