Aerial view of multiple people walking on a patterned pavement.

Registration and Academic Services

In this section you will find information about course registration and other academic services.

  • These instructions are for returning students only. New Students will be registered for classes via the Registrar Office. 

    IENYC students are responsible for registering for their courses each trimester and being aware of registration dates (located in the Academic Calendar). Students in good financial standing will receive an email from the Registrar on the first day of the registration period informing them of the steps needed to register. 

  • Updating Your Contact Information 

    The Office of the Registrar maintains addresses and telephone numbers for currently enrolled students. It is important for all students, especially international students, to keep their home and local addresses and phone numbers current in the College's records. Please contact registrar@‌ to request an update.

    Legal Change of Name

    Currently enrolled students who legally change their names should submit legal proof of the name change, such as a marriage license, a driver’s license, a passport, or divorce papers to registrar@‌

    Information for Transgender Students

    Transgender students and alumni who have legally changed their names can file the Change of Name form with the Registrar using the procedure noted above. Current transgender students who have not legally changed their names can request that the college notify their instructors of their preferred first name and pronouns. Students should contact the Office of the Registrar for more information. 

  • Students wishing to withdraw temporarily from the College should consult with your Program Director. They will assist with the completion of the request form that is submitted to the Office of the Registrar. Normally, a Leave of Absence from study is granted for one trimester but may be extended to a maximum of two trimesters in exceptional circumstances. Students applying for a leave of absence must be in good academic and social standing. An approved leave of absence provides students with the right to return to the College and register for a future trimester without applying for re-admission. 

    A Leave of Absence must be applied for and approved by your Program Director, Director of Academic Administration, and the Interim President & Provost in advance of the trimester in which it is to be taken. Students registered for and attending classes are not permitted to apply for a Leave of Absence retrospectively. They must withdraw from any courses in which they are enrolled following College protocol. Students are responsible for being aware of the College’s Tuition Refund Schedule.

    Students granted a Leave of Absence for medical reasons may be required to provide documentation from their healthcare provider that they are medically fit to resume their studies. Students failing to return from a Leave of Absence within one calendar year must apply for re-admission. If they are re-admitted, they will be governed by the degree requirements in effect at the time of re-admission.

    Students on a Leave of Absence are charged a $150 matriculation fee for each trimester they are on leave.

    Students that do not apply for a leave of absence and do not register for classes by the second week of the trimester will be administratively withdrawn. They will need to reapply to the College if continuing in a subsequent trimester. They will be charged a re-application fee of $150.

    For more information, please refer to the IENYC Catalog.

  • Students who are considering permanently withdrawing from IENYC are strongly encouraged to discuss their situation with your Program Director first. Should it be determined that a student can and should withdraw, the student must complete the withdrawal form (including gaining all necessary signatures) available from your Program Director. See ‘Fees and Refund Policy’ section in the current IENYC Catalog for more information. 

  • Students may request changes in their schedules only during the Drop/Add Period, which ends on the Friday of the first week of classes. No schedule changes are possible after the conclusion of the Drop/Add Period, nor is a schedule change considered official until it is processed by the Office of the Registrar.

    To Drop/Add a course, students should contact the your Program Director.

  • A verification certificate provides proof of enrollment or degree completion for a student’s financial lender, insurance company, sponsor, employer, etc.

    Kindly note: Enrollment verifications may include the total number of credit hours taken, current and/or past semesters enrolled, and status for current and/or past terms.

    Degree verifications may include the program and major for degree(s) completed and date(s) of conferral.

    Current Students and Alumni

    Current students and alumni may request an enrollment certification or degree verification letter by submitting a request to the Office of the Registrar, at registrar@‌

    Third parties can request enrollment or degree certification by contacting the Office of the Registrar via mail or email. This request should include consent of the former student.

  • The College normally holds Commencement Exercises in July or December of each year to recognize students’ achievements. . Normally only those students who have completed their graduation requirements (as certified by the Registrar) and who have met all financial obligations to the College (as certified by the Finance Office) are permitted to take part in the ceremony.

    Students will be notified when they are eligible to apply for graduation and commencement activities.

    All students, no matter in which trimester they complete their studies, are entitled to participate in the next Commencement ceremony following their completion of requirements.

  • Students and Alumni may request a copy of their transcript by submitting a request to the Office of the Registrar, at registrar@‌


Students’ personal information and data is governed by FERPA, the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.  The law affirms that:

  • Students have the right to inspect and review their educational records.
  • They may seek to amend any records that they believe to be inaccurate or misleading.
  • Students’ personally identifiable information be disclosed only with their consent, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent