A group of five young adults walking and talking on a city sidewalk next to a brick building.

Student Services

Student Services at IENYC

IENYC is deeply committed to student well-being, growth, and safety. IENYC's informational webinar on Campus Safety and Alcohol & Drug Abuse Prevention Programming can be found on the Consumer Information page. Accordingly, we offer access to a wide range of Student Services, including counseling and career development services for our Master of Science degree students. More detailed information on each area of Student Services can be found in the IENYC College Catalog.  

  • Mental health is an important aspect of student well-being. Students in need of counseling services should contact the Director of Counseling and Disability Services Coordinator, Michael Cohen, PhD at michael.cohen@‌ienyc.edu for referrals and information on scheduling an appointment. Students can schedule six 30-minute counseling sessions per trimester.

  • IE New York College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and participation for students with disabilities. We work with our students to determine appropriate and reasonable accommodations that support their equal access to a world-class education. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance, and disability-related information is never disclosed without student permission. 

    Students with impairments and conditions may request accommodations to assist them in their IENYC experience. To request an accommodation for a qualifying disability, a student must self-identify and contact the Disability Services Coordinator Michael Cohen, PhD at michael.cohen@‌ienyc.edu.

  • While there is no health office on IENYC’s campus, First Aid kits and defibrillators are on campus and available to all students. 

    Select staff members have been trained in professional first-aid and can give appropriate referrals to those in need of urgent care. Urgent care services are not provided on campus. Students can visit the closest City MD to campus, which is located at 331 6th Avenue, New York City, NY 10014.

  • The safety and well-being of our students, faculty and staff is of utmost importance. To view our various campus safety policies please see the College Catalog

    At IENYC, campus safety is specifically the responsibility of the Vice President & Provost and the Director of Operations, Title IX Coordinator—to whom any questions or concerns should be directed. They are responsible for the campus’ annual security report, as well as all initiatives to maintain the safety and security of our campus. In compliance with relevant regulation (including the Clery Act, the Violence Against Women Act, Title IX, and New York State Educational Law article 129-A and B), the Vice President & Provost of IENYC, or the Title IX Coordinator, will be responsible for identifying those College officials who qualify as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs). All College security personnel are trained as CSAs.

    For more information or to report an incident related to Title IX, The Clery Act or any other crime, please contact the Title IX Coordinator.

  • 2024 Annual Security Report

    The safety of our students, staff, faculty and visitors is a top priority for IENYC. In compliance with the U.S. federal Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, IENYC’s Annual Security Report provides crime statistics for the past three years and information regarding campus security and personal safety topics such as crime prevention, reporting policies, awareness programs, services for victims, disciplinary procedures and other information related to the safety and security of the IENYC community.

    Current students, staff, faculty and applicants for enrollment or employment have the right to request a hard copy of this information by sending a written request to IENYC Office of the Title IX Coordinator, 64 Wooster Street, New York, NY 10012, emailing titleIX@‌ienyc.edu

    Click here to access IENYC’s 2024 Annual Security Report.

    Click here to access IENYC’s 2023 Annual Security Report.

    Click here to access IENYC’s 2022 Annual Security Report.

    Click here to access IENYC’s 2021 Annual Security Report.

  • Discover our Online library.

Learn more about IENYC!

At IE New York College, we are committed to the safety, career development and well-being of our students. With the support of extensive student services and the dedicated IENYC community, our students have the opportunity to fuel their passion for sustainability while developing their career path in fashion, business or risk management.

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